Plongeurs au fond de l'esprit

Monday, July 09, 2012

A new chapter breaks into a million sentences

My first anniversary abroad is drawing nearer. Yesterday, one year ago, I made decisions that would turn my life upside down for ever. I had no certainties but I was 100% sure. The countdown had begun much earlier... it had been conceived in my mind during my school days while my thoughts broke free in the middle of the day. In less than a month, I would be saying goodbye to my home town and with a few suitcases and a bunch of projects, I would start (what turned to be) a one-year-long pilmigrage. But good news, dear readers. The novel has just started and at the end of this first chapter, it can be read: To be continued...


Micknf said...

So.. July 8th is the day of the likely good decisions? ;)

Rika said...

Hopefully =) Any coincidence?