I have been living in Geneva for almost 2 months now and I have to confess that I feel pretty at ease here. I just sit down on the tram and close my eyes, and all I can hear is Portuguese at fast speed and Spanish. And a bit of Italian and some French and even some passengers speaking English (especially when I am on Bus 8 heading to WHO). Bus 8 stops cover almost all the International Organizations you can find in Geneva. And that means A LOT of organizations: ITU, WHO, UN, ILO, OMPI, UNESCO and even the Red Cross. Final destination after Appia is, of course, WHO =). When I first went into WHO, I was impressed by the size of the cafeteria (and the quality of food!) and the endless corridors that connect all the different departments (it is just like a laberynth within a laberynth). The view from the top is a must. With Jura mountains on one side and Léman lake on the other, you definitely feel well-accompanied.
Geneva triggers many feelings (apart from desperation when you check prices). At least in my case, I find the city to be extremely practical and that makes the whole thing of living here so convenient. The system of trams and buses may make cycling a bit hazardous, but it definitely works well. Once a week, I have to go to Montfleury and you may wonder how long it takes to "faire la navette". Surprisingly enough, less than two hours (aller-retour). Tram+train1+train2+bus+2min walk and then, the other way round. C´est simplement magnifique!
Geneva triggers many feelings (apart from desperation when you check prices). At least in my case, I find the city to be extremely practical and that makes the whole thing of living here so convenient. The system of trams and buses may make cycling a bit hazardous, but it definitely works well. Once a week, I have to go to Montfleury and you may wonder how long it takes to "faire la navette". Surprisingly enough, less than two hours (aller-retour). Tram+train1+train2+bus+2min walk and then, the other way round. C´est simplement magnifique!
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