Plongeurs au fond de l'esprit

Friday, June 03, 2016

The game will not be over while you are still alive

And there she was, standing before me with a smile I had never seen before.
A mutilated body with an intact soul.
Back for revenge.
Perfect, beautiful, eternal...touched by death, but nurtured by the desire to live.

(Please live, I beg you, live)

Saturday, March 05, 2016

Piedra libre

Llevo años buscándome, a veces me encuentro, para luego volverme a perder. A veces, sin encontrarme, juego a las escondidas. Me escondo sin querer, y no dejo de sorprenderme cuando me encuentras justo ahí donde te escondes tú también. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Confessions to the mirror

If she had been given the chance, she would have stopped the time. She wanted to remember it all: the words said the silences breathed in between  .... Aware that it would all be over soon, she fixed her eyes on that face again. How to forget those cheeks blushing like beautiful cherry trees in blossom! She laughed at the thought of being categorised for liking men or women. Such dull stereotypes, she thought. As if all men or all women were the same. She was glad she could see through that lie. To say that she loved women or men was damn wrong. Her love could not possibly fit into those suffocating gender boxes. After all, she only loved one person... the person facing her. She loved you.  

Saturday, September 05, 2015

Voto matrimonial

Sin darse cuenta, agachó la cabeza. Pero el gesto le resultó exagerado y prefirió mirar al frente. No tenía nada que ocultar pero tampoco quería que su escepticismo fuera evidente. Se distrajo mirando todas las cabezas gachas, los sobreros desplumados de colores estridentes y los vestidos de corte estival que tanto desentonaban en la capilla gélida de ventanales gigantes.  Una voz que buscaba exaltar los ánimos se perdía a  lo lejos como el maullido incesante de un animal extraviado sin lograr despertar su curiosidad. Las pocas palabras que le llegaban no lo conmovían. Después de todo, no se había despertado con ánimo de replanteos. Sabía que tarde o temprano, las respuestas se le revelarían como una sucesión errática de epifanías, pero todavía no había decidido ni cómo ni cuándo y esperaba que el misterio se resolviese solo.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Like there is no tomorrow...

It is Friday night, so...
Pick up your best lover. 
Make yourself comfortable.
Enjoy a cup of tea. 
Treat yourself to some chocolate. 
Heal your wounds. 
Do whatever you want, but DO something. 
Love, cry, laugh, suffer, think, sleep, make love, work, read, share, dream, write...  

Make sure you are fully alive when death knocks on your door. 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Summer vows

Married to science. For life ❤. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

My own little world

I love this new space. And it is not so much the physical space that I can call mine which I love, but the abstract space which I can call ours when you come over...
Because it is in all in those mundane yet intimate acts where true freedom blooms. When nobody is forced to speak, it is freedom at its best...